Please, rethink jogging
WOD- For Tim:
Run 1600m
Run 1200m
Run 800m
Run 400m
Work:Rest = 1:1
Scale to 800m->600m….
WOD- For Tim:
Run 1600m
Run 1200m
Run 800m
Run 400m
Work:Rest = 1:1
Scale to 800m->600m….
WOD- 3 Rep Back Suqat
WOD- 2 Rounds:
2 Min Wall Balls
2 Min Row for Calories
1 Min Double Unders
1 Min Burpee to target (If possible, find a bar 6″ above reach)
Rest 2 Min
A big thank you to everyone who enjoyed winter and summer all wrapped up in one day. Bill, Jayda, Kayla, and Keith represented this entire community extremely well with their efforts during their three workouts today. But their families and friends also showed how much we all can care and help one another.
This is really fun stuff! Can’t wait for tomorrow.
Practice- Jumping Rope
WOD- For Time:
Run 200m
5 Push Ups
Run 200m
4 Push Ups
Run 200m
3 Push Ups
Run 200m
2 Push Ups
Run 200m
1 Push Up
Another thursday, and another interval day on the rower. This time with a descending distance scheme between 1:1 work to rest ratio. But that’s boring… so watch this 🙂
WOD- Row For Time:
Rest same amount of time it took you to complete the distance. Then start the next.
WOD- 12-9-6-3
Hang Power Clean
Bar Facing Burpee
Focus- Thruster:
1 Rep, 21-15-9, Rest, etc.
WOD- Deadlift:
3 Rep
WOD- “Annie”
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Post Wod Focus- Pull Ups, C2B Pull Ups, Bar Muscle Ups, Triple sow cow, and anything else that you can’t do.. yet 😉
For all information on the first open workout, and our workout tomorrow, please click the above link!