WOD- AMRAP in 12 Min
10 KB Swings
10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
10 Box Jumps
Tight hips? He owns a gym.
WOD- For Time:
DB Thruster
4- Count Mountain Climbers
Focus- Snatch
WOD- Amrap in 6min
8 Hang Snatch
8 Burpees
If anyone would like a regionals t-shirt we made a campaign on teespring. You can purchase it here. Type in Sav-Up to the search engine and see all the options. If you have any fun ideas for t-shirts in the future I recommend getting some friends together, and making it here. For example, maybe a picture of a unicorn perched on top of the CrossFit Sav-Up logo… just saying.
WOD- For Time:
30 Pull Ups
100′ Sled Push
60 Wall Balls
100′ Sled Push
30 Pull Ups
Please, pump iron.
I’m glad that we never have these arguments over what weight to put on the bar. “Listen, Listen Nick”
WOD- Sumo Healthlift
Here is the link to the masters Qualifier. Barbara just completed the first one tonight, and it is exciting to see a lot of the exact things she has been focusing on improving.
WOD- Back Squat
WOD- For Time:
100 Double Unders
5 Rope climbs
80 Double unders
4 Rope Climbs
60 Double Unders
3 Rope Climbs
40 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs
20 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
WOD- 2 Rounds For Time:
30 Cal Row
30 Box Jumps
30 Front Squats
WOD- “Grace”
For Time:
30 Clean And Jerks