Shoulder to Overhead


Shoulder to Overhead

Strong enough to do it wrong! haha back in the day the clean and press was an event, and it adapted into something truly unique that is rarely seen today. But we’ll leave that conversation for another day.

When scrolling through the years on the main site I always find such informative/ridiculous/serious/tearjerking links. When I went to program this workout I thought of when I first did the strenght portion and found it back in december of 2010. Then I clicked all the links, and was immediately brought back to the countless hours spent learning from watching others. Below is the link to just another day in history, or it could be just the start to a long trail.

Strenght-  Press 5×1, PP 5×3, Jerk 5×5

WOD-  Max Reps till failure, then continue on to next movement


Push Press

Push Jerk

*Failure is expressed by not being able to complete the movement. The bar stays on the shoulder the whole time and the workout is over when the bar touches the ground.