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No really, REST!

A lot of people have been coming in, and expressing how their bodies feel in regards to the amount of work they have been doing. If this regards to you, REST (see below)! If it does not, then come and get a great workout 🙂

Please come and rest at the gym. We will have plenty of mobility and skill work to go over so think of it as just another day where you can find a way to get better.

Focus- Deadlift

WOD- AMRAP in 8 Minutes

10 Weighted Lunges (hanging or front rack)

10 Hang Power Cleans

*Buy in at 0:00 and 4:00 with 10 Rolls






Hey everyone,

We’ve made huge progress with our back squat and deadlift the past three months (yes, it’s been four months since out first lift). I wanted to take a couple weeks off, and supply you guys with as many videos as possible to help us get back to the mechanics so we can keep improving our motor control with these lifts.

Also, I almost had nobody show up to the 6am class this morning. I want you to know that I support that! You all have been working really hard, and taking a rest day is sometimes the right thing to do. Make it a good habit, not an obsession 😉

WOD- “Helen”

3 Rounds For Time:

Run 400m

21 KB Swings

12 Pull Ups


Our favorite!

WOD- For Time

50 Thrusters

50 Calorie Row

50 Burpees

If you need to prepare to see upwards of 100 burpees on f


All Pull Ups Welcome

WOD- For Time

Row 500m

5 Strict Pull Ups

Row 400m

4 Strict Pull Ups

Row 300m

3 Strict Pull Ups

Row 200m

2 Strict Pull Ups

Row 1oom

1 Strict Pull Ups


Happy Birthday!

Birthday Wod Courtesy of Jenny, Jayda, Lisa, and Stacie.

WOD- 4 Rounds

1- Rope Climb

3- 1 legged Burpees

18- Box Jumps

22- KB Swings

*1 Legged Burpees were totally Stacie’s idea.


If you have netflix. Maybe queue this one up.


WOD- 5 Rounds for Time:

15 Push Ups

10 Hang Power Clean

5 Front Squats