High Box Jumps 7/29
WOD- Amrap in 12 Min:
7 Deadlifts
21 Wall Balls
5 High Box Jumps
WOD- Amrap in 12 Min:
7 Deadlifts
21 Wall Balls
5 High Box Jumps
Strength- Shoulder Press
3 Rep
WO- For Time:
50 Mountain Climbers
20 Push Ups
50 Mountain Climbers
15 Push Ups
50 Mountain Climbers
10 Push Ups
Wod: For Time
3000m Row
300 Double Unders
Run 3 Miles
Saturday 7/25/15
Option A
For Time:
30 Chest to bar Pull Ups
30 Burpee to Plate
30 Wall Balls
Option B
AMRAP in 7 Minutes
30 Wall balls
30 Burpee to Plate
30 Pull Ups
For the weightlifting clinic I will be running a mini workshop on the Snatch and Clean & Jerk tomorrow.
If you still want to sign up for Saturdays clinic you can under the sign up tab in class schedule.
WOD- For Time:
Row 500m
40 Airsquats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Airsquats
WOD- 3 Rounds for Time
200m Front Rack Walk
30 Kb Swings
Focus- Muscle Up Transitions
WOD- For Time:
Row 500m
For Time:
Row 2k
AMRAP in 8 Min:
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Strict HSPU
10 Kipping Pull Ups
10 Kipping HSPU
Just kidding, your going to fry your quads 🙂
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Row 500m
50 Wall Ball Shots
Rest 1 Minutes
Amrap in 3 Minutes
Row 300m
30 Wall Ball Shots
Rest 1 Minute
Amrap in 1 Minute
Row 100m
10 Wall Ball Shots