Half Full.
While your in the middle of this workout tomorrow… just remember that the glass is half full. You could be shackled, and pulling 70 people on 70 boats one mile.
WOD- 11.5
Amrap in 20 Min
5 Power cleans
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 Wall Balls
While your in the middle of this workout tomorrow… just remember that the glass is half full. You could be shackled, and pulling 70 people on 70 boats one mile.
WOD- 11.5
Amrap in 20 Min
5 Power cleans
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 Wall Balls
This one’s for the girls.
WOD- For Time:
After party- Amrap in 3 Min
Power= Work/Time
There are two priorities for our workouts: Time, and Task. Time priority is commonly seen as an AMRAP where the time is fixed, and the work is expressed as the score of the individual. Task priority is a set amount of work trying to be finished in as fast as possible. This workout’s set up usually begins with FOR TIME.
A classic workout is to run a 5k. Set the task, and get it done as fast as you can. Typically, this raises the intensity by default by knowing what needs to be done and having the ability to see the finish line. It is not possible to have the same stimulus through an amrap, but we can learn more about our fitness by testing how far we can run in a set time. So lets flip the priority this time, and have our task be more unknown.
WOD- AMRAP in 18 Min
Some different progression ideas to the HSPU. We’ll spend a lot of time getting inverted today, so spend time researching these sites.
Sumo Deadlift
5 Rep
FOCUS- 30 minutes of Hand Stand and Handstand Push Up practice.
WOD- Amrap in 20min
-Hollow Body 30 sec
-Waiter Walk 100 ft (50 ft each arm)
-Bottom of Squat Hold 30 Sec
-Farmers Carry 100 ft
WOD- For Time:
5-4-3-2-1 Shoulder to Overhead
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
FOCUS- Front Squat
WOD- 3 Rounds For Time
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Amrap in 3 Min
5 DL
5 Box Jumps
*rest 2 min
Large sets of burpees take a longer than small sets of burpees. Did you know that 😉
For today’s workout we have a sum total of burpees that is relatively large. So making sure that we can move through the entire workout efficiently will be important. Fast.
Another important component of the burpee is making sure that we can move to our feet with proper mechanics to ensure our safety. Smooth.
If you have seen a burpee ninja before click here. Relative to this guy it’s ok to admit that we may not have the fastest burpee in the world for a time domain of 7 minutes. So it is imperative that we move at OUR speed. Slow.
Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast!
I want us to have as much capacity across as many time domains for our burpees. That means that sometimes we may have to slow down our burpee to move fast. And sometimes we’ll have to move fast to move fast. Please, work with me on the captain obvious comments.
WOD- For Time
My whole outlook on life became so shiny and new after I saw this.
5 Rep Max