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What a Weekend!

Hello CrossFit Sav-Up!!! It’s been a nice long weekend for Dustin and I, and we couldn’t be more excited for the start of this week. Definitely want to thank our mom for the classes taught, and the entire gym for all the support. Thank you so much you guys.

We all love to run, we all love to overhead squat, and guess what: we love this workout!

WOD- 5 Rounds

Run 400m

15 OHS

Hint* Trust your legs… they’ll return to normal on the second lap of the 400m.

By far the greatest benchmark 😉


Dec. 26th

Dec. 26th doesn’t get as much love, but today we have our 8:30am and 12pm classes, as well as an open gym from 10-12. No 6am class or evening classes.

Wanna see a guy who loves jumping rope?


Wod- Four rounds

50 Double unders

10 shoulder to overhead

rest 1 Min


Mature enough to lift

This is a video of two individuals who have displayed enough maturity in the gym to partake in the teens weightlifting class. I imagine you are looking at them as kids, which they are, however this video portrays the appropriate amount of focus for anyone who lifts. Notice the consistency, and speed of the lifts. Also, in the background notice the amount of coaches present at each platform: every lift is accompanied by a pair of focused eyes. Think about these “kids” when your preparing for this workout.

WOD- Back Squat

7 Rep Max*

*Today’s max



The most common Mainsite workout

And If you can’t be the best at legitimate sports…

Aaron went to his L1 this weekend and was asked a trivia question: “What’s the most common workout posted to the mainsite?”

Dustin nailed it first try after a quick logical breakdown. And wouldn’t you know it we had it programmed for today! This is a workout that we’ve all done before, usually slow and while talking, but now we get to attack it with a plan and a buddy. And of course if you’ve got some foot issues please come in. We’ll do some good mobility to get prepped, and a nice cool down and smashing session to aid our recovery. A 5k row is always allowed as a scaling option for an injury. Lets enjoy the sun!

WOD- For Time:

5k Run




We’ve been repeating a lot of workouts with the end of the year approaching, and I am excited to be doing this one again with you. Check out the visual representation of the vestibular system. Big fan of this thing. We all are.

WOD- For Time:


40 Pull Ups

50 KB Swings

60 Sit Ups

70 Burpees


You deserve to know if your doing it right!

You deserve to know when and how your doing it right. I say this to you all so that you can hold us accountable. It’s important for us to let you know what you can fix, and what faults you may not know you have. But making sure this is an enjoyable experience, for all of us, is what makes classes. So keep doing what your doing, and keep celebrating each success!

WOD- Amrap in 15 Min

10 Cal Row

10 Push Jerk

10 Hanging Hip Touches

Whats a hip touch?


Grit, and how to clean it.

First video is a really cool. It got brought up in a class today so I thought I would share it. Second video is crazy cool slow mo of a Clean and Jerk. We will only be performing the clean.

WOD- Clean



Sunday Funday

A great CrossFit Movement and Mobility Course yesterday at the gym. Dr. Roop and Dr. Dianna helped us all out and in turn we can’t wait to share the good stuff with you guys. While bands and voodoo floss were covered, it is important to know that the main focus was motor control(movement). I want to thank you all for your understanding when we as trainers slow everything down, and spend large portions of class dialing in our movement. Can we all still improve our midline stability? Of course, but please know that I’m proud of the progress we all have been making together. This weekend was good affirmation that what we do takes time. I look forward to seeing you in the gym today, and please, ask us any question you have. We’re here to help. And again thank you Coach Dianna for setting this up.

WOD- 3 rounds for time

15 Hand Power Cleans

15 Burpees