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Counting Calories

We gotta count calories after thanksgiving 😉

WOD- Amrap in 15 Min

p1-Row for Cal

p2-Completes 1 round trip of bear crawl + 15 DB Push Press



One Speed.

Work hard, be tough, and have fun.

Focus- Sled Push: 20m push increasing weight, and keeping same speed.


Tabata Push Ups 4 rounds

Amrap in 3 Min: Front Rack Lunges

Tabata Push Ups 4 round


Muscle Up Efficiency

It’s probably going to be really hard to find any holes in our ring work. If you’re thinking of not watching this video… click the play button!

Practice- Finding deficiency in Muscle Ups

WOD- Attack found deficiencies for 30 Minutes. Progressions will be up on board.


Competition Day!!


Focus:1 Snatch on the minute for 10 minutes building up a manageable weight. No PRs. Goal is to hit a weight that can be consistent.
WODFor Time: 5 Rounds (15 Snatch, 200m Row)

… If you are competing later today your WOD will be a 75% effort 2K Row





Toes 2 Bar

The Holidays are here. Let’s remember the schedule changes: Thursday 8:30-10 Open Gym and 10am Turkey Wod with James, and Friday no 6am class. Also, please come and workout tomorrow at 5:30 with the rest of the gym. It is a great opportunity to meet others who don’t go to your usual class. Have a great sunday night!

WOD- 10 Rounds for time

10 DeadLifts

10 Toes 2 Bar


Happy Birthday Barbara (aka Mom)

Usually we don’t do posts for Saturday workouts, but this saturday we’ll be celebrating a birthday with some special workouts. If you haven’t heard of the franniversary event thats happening on Dec. 6th, there are going to be four 5 Min amraps of classic benchmark workouts. Last year Barbara went RX with her son Dustin at this event, and this year she’s going back along with five other teams. To prepare for it, and to celebrate Barbara’s Birthday we will be doing a rehearsal of the event. Here’s how it goes.

Pick 1, 2, 3, or 4 of these 5 minute amraps and complete them with a partner. 5 Min Rest between the workouts.


9 thruster, 9 pull ups, 15 Thrusters, 15 Pull ups, 21, 21, 27,27,…


Clean and Jerk* Complete any rep scheme however you want for 5 min.


9 Deadlifts, 9 Handstand Push Ups, 15 DL, 15, HSPU, 21,21,27,27,…


10 Push Ups, 10 Double, 20 Push ups, 20 Double unders, 30,30,40,40,….


Lets start our weekend with a bang.


Next Idea for the Tuesday Workouts


Any takers? It would be 400 laps… so not a big deal.

WOD: AMRAP in 10 Min

3 Burpee Box Over w/DBs

3 Pull Ups

6 Burpee Box Over w/DBs

6Pull Ups

9 Burpee Box Over w/DBs

9Pull Ups

Continue raising the reps by 3 until time is called.


Tuesday 25th Competition Update

I hope everyone is calmly anticipating our fun event Tuesday night. I just wanted to let everyone know that the workouts are going to be released at 4pm the day of. There are going to be 3 Workouts, and the instruction will begin at 5:30pm. The formal close of the event will be at 7:30 when classes usually end. No judges will be tasked to count reps or no rep spouses, and the three types of workouts will be a Time Priority, Lift, and Task Priority. Or AMRAP, Heavy, and For Time.

I’m curious to hear what everyone thinks will come out of the hopper. I’m guessing “Mcghee”, 20 Rep Deadlift, and Fran.


20 Rep Sumo DL


Bottom -> Top Kipping HSPU


CrossFit Teens


Our fall sport seasons have been coming to a close, and we are expecting a rise in attendance for our teen’s class as a result. We want to extend out a formal invite to all the parents with teenagers to have them come and try out the class. And if you know someone’s cousin’s nephew’s friend who might have interest in a general physical preparedness program then send them our way as well. Dustin will help them move better each day.

WOD- Four Rounds for Time:

30 KBS

30 Sit Ups

Rest :30 sec


Max Distance Plate Carry


Run, Forrest!

Any challengers? Lets see if we can grab a couple 4 minute miles before we talk about a 3 minute mile.

Tonight, grab your lacrosse ball and start doing some maintenance on yourself to prep for a lot of running tomorrow. We will be doing some running drills with jump ropes, and on the course before we start but we can start prepping now. Here is a good start

And to do some studying for the drills we have on deck for our prep tomorrow you can check out this resource for:


WOD- Each Effort For Time:

Run 1000m

Run 800m

Run 600m

Run 400m

Run 200m

Work:Rest = 1:1 between efforts