It’s Wrestling Season
“Come on Louden, your never gonna make it”
A little inspiration for today’s workout. Pegboard coming soon!
WOD- For Time:
30,20,10 Hip Ext.
6,4,2 Rope Climbs
“Come on Louden, your never gonna make it”
A little inspiration for today’s workout. Pegboard coming soon!
WOD- For Time:
30,20,10 Hip Ext.
6,4,2 Rope Climbs
It’s no secret, the front rack position can really get uncomfortable. Get ready to spend a long time prepping for it.
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Remember, rope climbs Friday and practice work Thursday.
Lots to see on this page! Please note that we will have a rope climb workout on Friday, and that Thursday we will have a practice session so please bring long socks or pants. OR shin guards!
WOD- AMRAP in 20 Min
30 Sec Hold of each
– Handstand
– Squat
– L-Sit
– Chin Over Bar
My first CrossFit gym, Coach, community, and home. The Goodland can be one of the hardest workouts you’ve ever done. 🙂
“The Goodland”
For Time:
50 Burpee Squat Clean Thrusters 45#/35#
If your reading this, were gone…. to Oakdale.
This saturday we have a large crowd heading to Oakdale, and will be having an open gym from 9 am to 11am. There will be a workout set up for you and it has the option open for running in the rain. That is an underrated treat of this season, just remember to plan accordingly, and have a solid meal before and after.
WOD- Choose One
Run 5k
Row 5K
Airdyne 5 Miles
or For Time: Run 1k, Row 1k, and Airdyne 1 Mile.
30 Cals on Rower
30 Box Jumps
30 Front Squats
Remember to wish all the teams good luck that are competing this weekend in the third annual Franaversary competition. We will be having  an open gym session saturday morning from 9am to 11am. Have a great weekend!
On saturday we will have a lot of teams driving down to CF Oakdale for the franniversary. Lets try to take the least amount of cars possible and carpool together. There will be a carpool sign up sheet where people can offer to drive or designate a seat in a specific car. The subaru has 1 spot still open! Please drive safe and prepare for traffic on your way to the gym. It’s been a lake on lakeville, no pun intended.
WOD- 8 Rounds for Time
5 Push Ups*
10 KB Swings
15 Sit Ups
*This is a small number of push/round. Use it to improve the quality of every rep for the workout!
Hey everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed coming back to the gym today and working hard. Wednesday we are hosting Carrie’s Surviving the Holidays Workshop. It is starting at 6:45 in the gym. While this is going to be specifically oriented for the holiday season the benefits she has to offer athletes here go far beyond the gym. She is an awesome Coach and we can’t wait to hear her speak. For more information check out our events board, and your emails for the info.
Happy Birthday Dustin!
For Time- 21-15-9
Push Press
Toes 2 Bar