Muscle Up Time!
WOD- EMOM for 16 Min
ODD: Muscle Ups
EVEN: Mountain Climbers/KB Swings
WOD- EMOM for 16 Min
ODD: Muscle Ups
EVEN: Mountain Climbers/KB Swings
Two weeks ago Simon approached me asking if there was a hero workout named Ashley and if we could add it to the programming in the coming weeks. I found a workout named “White”, after U.S. Army first lieutenant Ashley White. Here is the link to when it was posted. But today we do this workout to honor two. Ashley white of course, and Ashley Donohoe of Rhonert Park. Simon’s previous foreman was Ashley’s father and to pay his respects he wanted us to remember her too. He forwarded me the link above for everyone to read, if we have not already. Thank you Simon, and happy birthday.
WOD- “White”
5 Rounds:
3 Rope Climbs
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge Steps w/ Plate
400M Run
WOD- AMRAP in 8 min
DB Hang Hang Power Clean
Box Jumps
WOD- Back Squat
7 rep
WOD- Diane
here’s the fastest
Here’s not the fastest
Nick and Jesania are having a joint birthday party at the gym tomorrow night after the 5:30 class. Please stop by and wish them a happy 30th birthday.
WOD- 4 Rounds
1 Round of “DT”
Run 200m
Push a really Heavy Sled 50m
WOD A- For Time:
30 Rope Climbs
WOD B- For Time:
100 Toes 2 Bar
WOD- For Time
30 Burpees
30 Push Press
20 Burpees
20 Push Press
10 Burpees
10 Push press
*1 Min After workout, perform a max effort of push ups (scale accordingly, 2 seconds down/1 second up)
Diane will be next week. Had enough deadlifts in Christian’s workout saturday.
WOD- “Helen”
3 Rounds for Time
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
I want to thank everyone. Everyday in the gym we share experiences and make memories, and this past saturday was had a very special day. The support that everyone showed for BB was heartwarming and impressive. So, thank you! I am honored to be your coach/trainer, and lucky to be your friend. Here’s to many more memories to come.