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Ring Rows

Please watch the above video. We will be trying Carl’s progression as a gym tomorrow, and it is very important to have an understanding of global flexion/extension. Notice how his rib cage is never protruding out of his shirt, but rather his hips are reaching as much extension as he can while keeping his spine safe. More fun on the rings!

WOD-3 Rounds For Time:

Run 200m

14 Push Press

14 Ring Rows



Biceps and triceps this monday. CrossFit Style! The clean is ideally performed with as much ROM as possible. We will work on moving our feet and catching in a squat, however, in the workout itself everyone will catch in the safest and most efficient position they can. For the ring dips we will have multiple options for scaling. And please bring a t-shirt!

WOD- Elizabeth

For Time:



Ring Dips


Prepare to Launch



Pardon the music… Its just a muscle up w/ a false grip. We will be adding in some grip strength into our focus work, and today we will discuss why we need to develop our grip strength, how we can develop as much functional grip strength as possible, and what we can do on our own to keep it going.

FOCUS- Grip Strength: Why, How and What.

WOD- For Time:

Double Unders


*Complete each setย in 1 attempt, and then move on to the next.

This can be scaled infinitely, and everyone will get to feel the physical and mental dosage of the workout ๐Ÿ™‚


Shoulder Press

This dude is kinda strong. This is not his first time pressing, so please take tomorrow as a baseline for the rest of the year ๐Ÿ™‚

It has been a tough week so far. To balance out all the reps we are going to be performing a 3 Rep Shoulder Press. As we have been experiencing with our lifting days the day will progress with eyes on for all lifts. Because of the simplicity of the movement, we need not spend hours going over the movement. However, endeavor to do less better as you progress towards your final lift of the day.

Also, after the shoulder press we will have ample time to take care of our soft tissues, and discuss what we can do individually with our own aches. We can feel great even if we did little old fran on monday.

WOD- Shoulder Press

3 Rep


Mobility- Spend 20 minutes with a lacrosse ball, PVC roller, and floss band.


Dip Mechanics

Athletes don’t wear flip flops.

FOCUS- Ring Dips

WOD- For Time:

500m Row

40 Sit Ups

30 KB Swings

20 Burpees

10 Ring Dips

20 Burpees

30 KB Swings

40 Sit Ups

500m Row


Fran was Easy!

“Sometimes you got to go back to actually move forward” Congrats to all the PR’s on Fran yesterday. Lets move for 20 Min.

WOD- Amrap in 20 Min

Run 200m

15 Deadlifts

20 sec Hollow body hold





Today we have a fun intro to having a skill that has been taken out of our daily lives: the forward roll. However, the pistol and push are still seen daily in our routines. The goal for our workout is to create an adaptation to our vestibular system, but in no way are we trying to overdo it and get the spins like some may have gotten on new years. No barfing.

Looking forward, get ready for Fran on Monday. We are going to spend a specific amount of time in class talking about how we can prep for Fran over the weekend. Wheather it’s mobility, strategy, or just coming to terms with the fact that we all are going to do thrusters and pull ups… Get Ready!

We can make 2015 the best years of our lives. Focus on what you have influence over.


WOD- AMRAP in 8 Min

8 Alt. Pistols

4 Forward Rolls

8 Push Ups


New Years Eve!


5 Rounds for Time

10 Toes To Bar

10 Hang Power Clean

If you feel your grip strength begin to fatigue in this workout here is a fun way to improve your grip strength!


2009 CrossFit Games = Your Next Movie Marathon

Here is a link to the youtube channel

This is a potential movie for you to watch. If your thinking about watching some CrossFit videos, I would recommend considering this as an option.

WOD- Deadlift

7 Rep Max*

Last week we had an amazing 7 rep back squat day with everyone. Today our goal is to repeat that experience by making sure you have eyes on while lifting, and that our max is expressed with our mechanics staying consistent.


Max effort Pull Ups with neutral cervical spine

Immediately -> Max Effort Pushups with neutral lumbar spine