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Developing our Squat


First things first! You need to check out this article. It is a simple, thorough breakdown of the squat.

Second, you need to come in tomorrow and work on your squat.

Third, read this breakdown of the push up.

And finally you need to come in, and work on your pushups tomorrow.

As we saw in the video of greg amundson last week it is possible to move very fast during a push up and squat. And the only way you can set yourself up to do this is to break down the movements and have a day truly focusing on the fundamentals. So tomorrow is for quality. And to wrap it up we’ll have some fun on the bars. Maybe even go for a max effort for pull ups.

Wod- For Quality:


Air Squats

Push Ups

Practice- Pull ups (objectives will be provided during class)



It has been a great week with plenty of new skills being dialed in, and to celebrate we are going to go out with a bang. For the first half hour we are just going to move, and once we find ourselves plenty warm we’ll prep for a 1 rep thruster. If it suits you this can be taken from the ground, or the rack. Either way we will have the opportunity to go heavy.

As we have done in our past couple lifting sessions all our lifts will be completed while having a trainer present. The reasoning behind this is so that you can get the feedback you deserve. All athletes should be ready to lift once it is their turn, so please stay aware during the entire lifting session.

Warm Up- 30 min of AD, Run, Row, Single unders, Step ups, lunges etc. (we will have it set up for you)

Strength- 1 Rep Thruster (5 heavy attempts)


Break out the Sleds



Some of us were lucky enough to team up and push the sled for a mile last saturday. Today we are going to break out the sleds again with a different time domain. The 40m sled push is going to be someone’s first sled push so I’m excited to go over it with everyone before we start the workout. One thing that is very apparent once you get connected to the sled is that how fast you move will determine how fast the sled moves. Again, how fast you move through space rather than how much you push on the sled itself. For our push ups we have larger set in the workout today, and for scaling lets go into the gym with a mindset that it’s ok to choose a number that may take 2-3 sets to finish in the middle rounds.

WOD- AMRAP in 15min

20 Push Ups

30 Double Unders

40m Sled Push


KB Snatch

When done correctly the KB snatch can be smooth, and have a great natural rotation during the movement. Our goal as a gym tomorrow is to find that motion, and dial it in during our workout. I look forward to seeing to seeing you all improve at this skill tomorrow. Hope your legs are feeling fresh after rope climbs.


For Time:

KB Snatches 10->1 Each Arm

Burpees 1-> 10


Tommy V.

To honor veterans day we will be doing “Tommy V.”

For Time:

115 pound thruster, 21 reps

15 ft rope climb, 12 ascents

115 pound thruster, 15 reps

15ft rope climb, 9 ascents

115 pound thruster, 9 reps

15ft rope climb, 6 reps

We will discover that we are capable of amazing feats together. We will all finish whatever scaled version we must complete, and we will all support each other through everyone’s final rep. Please prepare for the rope climbs with long socks, and any additional protection you may have. Shin guards, knee sleeves, or anything else you feel would be a comfortable sleeve to cover your skin from the rope.

Have a great day!


Veterans Day = Bring Socks!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to having veterans day on a tuesday. We will be running classes normally all day, and the workout will be a hero WOD: Tommy V. There are rope climbs so please bring protective gear for your legs. If thats simply some socks, awesome, but if you have knee sleeves, shin guards, etc that will be helpful with this many rope climbs.

For today we’ll be going of the hip ext. and the sit up. While it may seem obvious to go directly to the GHD machine we will spend some time trying to create a deeper understanding of how to keep our pelvis in line with our lumber spine, and functionally use our hip. MCI!

WOD- 2 rounds for time

25 situps

Run 400m

25 Hip Ext.

Run 400m



Deadlifts, Again!

Double video day! First video you will probably have to watch like 15 times to process, and second video is a great example of simplifying the deadlift to be successful.Both of these guys have had a very positive impact in my life, and its fun to get the opportunity to share these with you. Also, there is purpose to programming deadlifts on a friday. Take the setup technique we’re going to drill before and apply it to lifts. Winner gets a high five from Dustin!

Strength- DL 5×5

WOD- Amrap in 7 Min

7 Pull Ups

14 Walking Lunges


CrossFit is a Team Sport



We want to give you all the opportunity to express your fitness, and one setting for that is called competition. Let me be very clear: we will compete with each other, rather than against one another. The date is set for Tuesday(11/25) during our evening classes. NO CLASS during the evening, but we will have the doors open to anyone who wants to see how far they’ve come the is year. Look for more info in our newsletter and on the blog page!

WOD- Amrap in 15 min

10 Sit Ups

10 Front Squats

200m run



Test, then practice.

Today we have a conditioning test for our 2K on the erg. I personally believe this to be mentally the most challenging of our more common tests, and look forward to seeing you all work harder than you thought you were going to. There should definitely be some skill work on controlling our pain face around the 1250m mark. Since this will not take the entire class it give us our classic opportunity to also practice some skill work. Today I would love for us all to practice handstands, and if appropriate freestanding handstands. As many of have experienced, the use of a partner to spot and apply support when necessary can put us in to positions that we could not achieve yet alone. So grab a buddy, and accumulate some time upside down. I’d love to see some max time attempts where we are done when we loose our midline.

Conditioning Test- 2k row

Practice- Handstands (5 timed attempts)


Pick yourself up, correctly.


So the obvious task here is to move quickly. And our best shot at achieving this is to realize that safety and efficiency really are one in the same. If you want to move fast, and keep moving fast over a period of loading you better believe the individual who moves with better mechanics will be better set up to succeed. So, today we will only be working for 15s, and my goal is make sure that you can stay happy. Instead of going into the 30s range, where we may see some breakdown, I expect to see appropriate effort into moving well for the entire 15s. We will talk about threshold training, and continue to experience it, but today we get to practice training consistent mechanics at a high intensity. Also, this applies to the burpee as well as the deadlift. Even the burpee can be made beautiful.

20 rounds

15s ON/45s OFF Alternating

